
As the official charitable fundraising arm of the Anishinabek Nation, the Anishinabek Nation 7th Generation Charity (AN7GC) is committed to helping improve the quality of life of Anishinabek Nation citizens by providing support where no other source of funding exists. The grants available for disbursement are obtained through the generosity and support of helping partners, donors, and the fundraising initiatives and events hosted by the AN7GC. The AN7GC is dedicated to helping Anishinabek citizens in their time of crises due to unforeseen occurrences in the eligible areas listed below.


AN7GC will support:

  • Registered status members of the 39 First Nations of the Anishinabek Nation (living within or outside the community)
  • Groups and organizations benefitting individuals or groups of one or more of the 39 First Nations of the Anishinabek Nation

Funded Sectors

The sectors funded by the AN7GC include:

From emotional and mental, to physical and spiritual well being, the AN7GC provides support for initiatives that advance healthy lifestyles including health promotion, awareness and education, and for individuals’ with specific health requirements, which are not covered through other funding or health benefits.
The AN7GC supports initiatives that work toward the revitalization and preservation of Anishinabek culture and history. Some of the supported initiatives include but are not limited to: community events, pow-wows, story-telling, arts and crafts workshops, and cultural and language teachings.
The AN7GC supports the advancement and enhancement of education initiatives for Anishinabek citizens. We support educational aspirations of Anishinabek students through annual scholarships awarded for academic excellence.

The AN7GC supports the Anishinabek in efforts to eliminate social issues and achieve community stability by means of programs and services that bring awareness of social issues such as poverty, ill health, education disadvantages and abuses of various sorts.

The AN7GC supports skills development and empowerment initiatives for our Anishinabek youth that strengthen their minds, bodies, and health through various sports and recreational activities.

The AN7GC supports initiatives that foster the well-being of our Elders and that promote their cultural teachings in order to keep the core of Anishinabek culture alive. We recognize them as the holders of traditional and cultural values, language and knowledge; thus, supporting them in their teachings of the ways, ceremonies, and language of our people.
Emergency and Disaster Relief:
The AN7GC supports Anishinabek communities and citizens in emergency situations or who are victims of disaster when no other funding exists.


Grant Application Requirements

Please be sure to include the following when applying for a grant:

  • An official letter that outlines a descriptive and detailed purpose for the grant request. (Background information such as a detailed description of the situation; why the grant is needed; what specifically the grant will be used for; and the anticipated result of receiving the grant.);
  • A letter supporting the grant request from the Chief of the Community;
  • A detailed budget (including the total amount required; amount being requested from the AN7GC; and other sources of funding);
  • Include original quotes from supplier(s) (if applicable);
  • Provide proof of status membership. Copies of applicant’s status card (front and back including your 10 digit Band number) must be submitted with the application.

Application Deadline

The AN7GC accepts grant applications on a year-round basis; however, grant approvals and amounts are contingent on the availability of funds.

Please Note: All grant applications will be reviewed and decided upon by the AN7GC Board of Directors. There is currently a priority on grants that fall under the categories of Health or Emergency/Disaster relief. Grants are generally not dispersed as a reimbursement for services already rendered, but may be considered in extenuating circumstances. 

Applications can be submitted in person, by mail, e-mail, or fax.