Our Vision

The Anishinabek Nation 7th Generation Charity will help create educated, healthy, and culturally enriched citizens that will continue to grow a stable, strong, and prosperous Anishinabek Nation.

Stay at a partner hotel

Stay in one of these hotels or hotels affiliated with Westmount Hospitality Group and quote "Union of Ontario" or "First Nations" rate, our partner hotels provide a special rate and in return for our business the hotel support the AN7GC by way of sponsorship...

Become a Partner

Achieving the vision and mission of AN7GC requires help from generous partners who support future leaders, acknowledge citizens who have made Anishinabek communities stronger.

AN7GC is always looking for new...

Make a donation

Improving the quality of life for First Nation communities and citizens requires commitment from people like you.

The AN7GC works to raise funds through various initiatives; see Fundraising Initiatives.

There may be fundraising initiatives that cannot be attended or supported by ‘everyone’ so we offer another means of contributing to the AN7GC.

And it’s as simple as making an individual donation.  All donations of any monetary denomination are invaluable to the overall mission, vision and goals of the AN7GC.

DONATE, help Anishinabek citizens get the recognition they deserve and help needed.